From a Bag of Clay to a Cup…
All of our products start in bags of clay. Starting with 1 ton of clay we transform this into hundreds of our products. (yes, we move each 50 lb box ourselves)
Let’s get our hands dirty!
We prep the clay, portioning out enough for each piece and creating slabs for plates. We use our custom mold system to make each piece on the pottery wheel. We create all our cups, mugs, and bowls using custom molds and die cuts. Molds are attached to the wheel and a metal arm and our hands shape each piece.
We make slabs for all plates and form them in the molds on the pottery wheel.
Time to Trim…
Pieces are popped out of molds once they are dry enough and given to Emily to trim. We trim each individual piece by hand to smooth out any imperfections. Then they are ready to dry!
Ready for the Kiln!
After all the pieces are dry, we finish getting rid of any remaining imperfections and load them into the kiln for the first firing. Then the ceramics are ready to be glazed!
Glaze Chemistry
Emily spends a lot of time glazing each product and loading them into the kiln. The final step of the process before shipment is an important one. After glaze firings, gold luster is added to gold adorned products and fired again for durability.
Shipping to you!
Once the glazed items are unloaded from the kiln, they are ready to be sanded and shipped to you. All orders are shipped using plastic free materials and we ship one day a week to reduce wasteful trips to the post office and postal pick ups.
Follow along…
Want to see more behind the scenes? Check out our instagram from process videos and updates from the studio!